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Green Sun Travel

Traveler’s Guide to Emergency Numbers in Vietnam

Traveling to Vietnam can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, like any journey, it’s essential to be prepared for unexpected situations and emergencies. To ensure your safety and peace of mind while exploring this beautiful country, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the emergency numbers in Vietnam and essential contacts. Here’s a comprehensive guide by Green Sun Travel to emergency numbers and important information when traveling in Vietnam.

Emergency Numbers in Vietnam:


Emergency Numbers in Vietnam: 113
The police emergency number in Vietnam is 113. This number should be dialed in situations that require police assistance, such as reporting crimes, accidents, or other incidents that involve law enforcement.

Medical Emergency/Ambulance:

Emergency Numbers in Vietnam: 115
Dial 115 for immediate medical assistance or an ambulance during a medical emergency. Trained medical professionals will respond to your call and provide necessary medical care.

Fire Department:

Emergency Numbers in Vietnam: 114
In the event of a fire or other emergencies requiring the assistance of the fire department, call 114. Firefighters and emergency responders will be dispatched to your location.

Tourist Police (For tourists in distress):

  • Hotline in Ho Chi Minh City: 069 234 4648
  • Hotline in Hanoi: 069 234 4648
    The Tourist Police hotlines are established to assist tourists who may find themselves in distress, need help with lost belongings, or require assistance in a foreign land. These numbers can connect you with English-speaking officers who can provide support and guidance.

Search and Rescue:

Emergency Numbers in Vietnam: 112
The emergency number 112 is a dedicated hotline for search and rescue operations. It can be dialed in situations where someone is lost or in danger and requires assistance. It coordinates emergency response efforts.

Traffic Accident Hotline (for traffic accidents):

Emergency Numbers in Vietnam: 113
If you are involved in a traffic accident, dial 113 for immediate assistance and to report the incident. This number is specifically for handling traffic-related emergencies.

Foreign Embassies and Consulates:

In addition to local emergency services, it’s crucial to know the contact information for your country’s embassy or consulate in Vietnam. These institutions can provide essential assistance, including help with lost passports, legal issues, and more. Here are key foreign embassies and consulates in Vietnam:

U.S. Embassy in Vietnam:

  • Address: 7 Lang Ha Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-24-3850-5000
  • Website: U.S. Embassy in Vietnam
    The U.S. Embassy in Vietnam is the official representation of the United States government. It offers consular services to U.S. citizens and assists with various issues, including emergencies and visa services.

Embassy of Canada in Vietnam:

  • Address: 31 Hung Vuong Street, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-24-3734-5000
  • Website: Embassy of Canada in Vietnam
    The Canadian Embassy in Vietnam provides support to Canadian citizens and helps with consular matters. It can be a valuable resource for Canadians traveling in the country.

Australian Embassy in Vietnam:

  • Address: 8 Dao Tan Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-4-3774-0100
  • Website: Australian Embassy in Vietnam
    The Australian Embassy in Vietnam offers consular services and assistance to Australian citizens in need. It’s an important contact for Australians traveling in Vietnam.

UK Embassy in Vietnam:

  • Address: 31 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-24-3936-0500
  • Website: UK Embassy in Vietnam
    The UK Embassy in Vietnam provides consular assistance to British nationals and can offer support during emergencies and other situations.

EU Delegation to Vietnam (European Union):

  • Address: 43 Lieu Giai Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-24-3715-2200
  • Website: EU Delegation to Vietnam
    The EU Delegation represents the European Union in Vietnam. It plays a diplomatic role and can provide information and support to EU citizens.

New Zealand Embassy in Vietnam:

  • Address: 3rd Floor, 63 Ly Thai To Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi
  • Phone: +84-24-3824-1481
  • Website: New Zealand Embassy in Vietnam
    The New Zealand Embassy in Vietnam assists New Zealand citizens with consular services and support when they are in Vietnam.

Additional tips 

Private Ambulance Services:

In major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, private ambulance services are available. These services are often quicker to respond to emergency calls and may have English-speaking staff. Here are some points to consider regarding private ambulance services:

  • Faster Response: Private ambulance services are known for their rapid response times, which can be crucial in life-threatening situations. They are equipped to transport patients to hospitals swiftly.
  • English-Speaking Staff: Many of these services have staff who can communicate in English, making it easier for foreign travelers to explain their medical needs and conditions.
  • Reputation Matters: It’s advisable to research and identify reputable private ambulance services before your trip. You can keep their contact information handy in case of a medical emergency. Hotel staff or local contacts may also be able to recommend reliable providers.
  • Costs and Insurance: Be aware that private ambulance services may not be covered by standard travel insurance. Check with your insurance provider or consider obtaining specialized medical evacuation insurance if you plan to rely on private ambulance services.

Health Information:

Having information about your specific medical conditions, allergies, and necessary medications translated into Vietnamese can be invaluable in case you need medical attention. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Effective Communication: In emergency medical situations, effective communication is critical. By having your medical information in Vietnamese, you can ensure that healthcare providers fully understand your needs and can provide the right treatment.
  • Preventing Allergic Reactions: In the event of allergies, having this information in the local language can prevent accidental exposure to allergens and reduce the risk of severe allergic reactions.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have your medical information available in the local language can offer peace of mind, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking specific medications.
  • Translation Services: You can consult a professional translator or use translation apps to accurately translate your medical information. Keep both digital and printed copies of this information in your travel documents.

Travel Insurance:

Before embarking on your journey to Vietnam, it’s highly recommended to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. Travel insurance provides several benefits, including:

  • Medical Coverage: It covers medical emergencies, hospitalization, and medical evacuations. This is crucial in case you require healthcare services while traveling.
  • Trip Cancellation: It can reimburse you for non-refundable trip expenses if your plans are disrupted due to unforeseen events like illness, natural disasters, or political unrest.
  • Lost Luggage: Travel insurance can compensate you for lost or stolen baggage and personal items.
  • Emergency Assistance: Many travel insurance policies offer 24/7 emergency assistance, connecting you to professionals who can help you navigate medical or travel-related emergencies.
  • Financial Protection: In case of unforeseen events that lead to financial losses, such as canceled flights or tour operator bankruptcies, travel insurance can provide financial protection.

Language Barrier:

While some emergency services and medical professionals in Vietnam may speak English, it’s advisable to be prepared for potential language barriers. Here are some tips to address this concern:

  • Basic Vietnamese Phrases: Learning a few basic Vietnamese phrases related to emergencies and health can be incredibly helpful. Phrases like “I need help” or “Call an ambulance” can be invaluable in critical situations.
  • Translation Apps: Download translation apps on your smartphone that can help you communicate with locals and medical professionals. These apps can translate spoken and written language, making it easier to convey your needs.
  • Local Contacts: If you have local contacts, such as the staff at your accommodation, inform them about your language preferences and ask for assistance in case of emergencies. They can help bridge the language gap.
  • Emergency Phrase Book: Consider carrying a pocket-sized emergency phrase book that contains essential phrases and translations for various situations, including health-related emergencies.

By considering these additional tips, you can enhance your safety and preparedness while traveling in Vietnam. Being well-informed, equipped with the right information, and having access to the appropriate resources can make a significant difference in how you handle unforeseen events during your journey.


When traveling in Vietnam, being well-prepared is the key to a safe and enjoyable journey. Familiarize yourself with emergency numbers in Vietnam, know the location of your embassy or consulate, and consider the practical tips outlined in this guide. Whether it’s understanding the availability of private ambulance services, having vital health information translated, securing travel insurance, or addressing language barriers, these preparations can make a significant difference in your travel experience. With this knowledge, you can explore Vietnam with confidence, knowing that assistance and support are readily available when needed. Safe travels!


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