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Green Sun Travel

Exploring Laos: A Beginner’s Guide to Lao Language Basics for Tourists

Welcome to the breathtaking country of Laos, where timeless traditions and natural beauty come together in perfect harmony. As you embark on your adventure through this enchanting land, you’ll quickly realize that while English is widely spoken in tourist areas, learning a few key Lao phrases can significantly enrich your travel experience.

In this comprehensive travel guide, Green Sun Travel will provide you with essential Lao language basics for tourists. Beyond the convenience, understanding the local language can foster meaningful connections with the warm-hearted people of Laos. So, let’s dive into the world of Lao communication, from greetings and politeness to navigating the streets and savoring local delicacies.

Tips for Learning Lao Language Basics for Tourists 

1. Start with Greetings:

Greetings are the foundation of human interaction, and the simplicity of starting with “Sabaidee” (hello) and “Khop chai” (thank you) cannot be overstated. These words set a friendly tone for your conversations and can instantly create a welcoming atmosphere.

2. Practice Politeness:

Politeness is a universal language, and in Laos, it’s highly cherished. Incorporating “Khawp jai” (please) and “Khawp jai lai lai” (excuse me) into your daily interactions not only demonstrates your respect but also endears you to the local community.

3. Use “Dii” and “Baw”:

“Dii” (yes) and “Baw” (no) are the most straightforward ways to express agreement or disagreement. These fundamental words are indispensable for answering questions or making basic statements. They enable clear and concise communication, even when language barriers exist.

4. Numbers for Bargaining:

Bargaining is a common practice in Lao markets. Learning numbers, especially 1-10, provides you with the tools to understand prices, negotiate effectively, and ensure you get the best value for your purchases.

5. Cuisine Vocabulary:

Delving into food-related vocabulary like “Aharn” (food), “Khao” (rice), and “Sap” (delicious) can elevate your dining experiences. It not only assists in ordering but also allows you to express your appreciation for the mouthwatering Lao cuisine.

6. Seek Local Guidance:

Don’t be hesitant to ask locals for help with pronunciation or clarifications. Lao people often appreciate the effort tourists make to learn their language, and their guidance can be invaluable in mastering correct intonation and context.

7. Take Advantage of Language Apps:

Preparing for your trip by using language learning apps or phrasebooks allows you to familiarize yourself with Lao language basics for tourists before arriving. This can boost your confidence when you’re on the ground.

8. Repeat and Practice:

Like with any language, repetition is the key to retention. Regularly practicing these phrases will help you become more comfortable with Lao, making your interactions smoother.

9. Listen and Mimic:

Paying attention to the way locals speak and attempting to mimic their pronunciation and intonation can greatly improve your ability to be understood. Lao is a tonal language, and getting the tones right is crucial for clear communication.

10. Be Patient and Respectful:

Learning a new language is a process that involves making mistakes. Be patient with yourself, as Lao may have unfamiliar sounds and tones. Your respect for the local culture and your willingness to try will be appreciated by the people you meet.

11. Embrace Non-Verbal Communication:

In situations where words may fail, body language and non-verbal cues can be incredibly helpful. A warm smile, a nod of the head, or a respectful wai (a traditional Lao gesture) can convey a lot and bridge any language gaps.

12. Immerse Yourself:

Attending local cultural events, markets, and traditional ceremonies is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in Lao culture. It not only provides opportunities to practice the language but also deepens your understanding of the customs and traditions.

13. Document Your Phrases:

Keeping a record of the Lao phrases you’ve learned, either in a small notebook or through a note-taking app, ensures that you have a quick reference during your travels. This can be especially handy when you encounter less common words or phrases.

By following these tips and investing effort into learning basic Lao language, you can enhance your travel experience in Laos. Your willingness to communicate in the local language will open doors to authentic and meaningful interactions with the warm and welcoming people of this beautiful country, making your journey even more enriching and memorable.

Lao language basics for tourists: Phrases You need to Know 

Greetings and Politeness

Hello – Sabaidee (ສະບາຍດີ): When you first set foot in Laos, you’ll quickly become familiar with the word “Sabaidee.” This warm and friendly greeting is suitable for all occasions. Whether you’re meeting someone new, entering a shop, or simply passing by a local, saying “Sabaidee” with a smile is a surefire way to start off on the right foot.

Thank you – Khop chai (ຂອບໃຈ): Expressing gratitude is an essential part of any culture, and in Laos, “Khop chai” is the phrase to use. This simple expression will show your appreciation and respect for the kindness and hospitality you encounter during your travels.

Please – Khawp jai (ຂໍ້ໃຈ): Politeness is highly regarded in Laos, and “Khawp jai” is a versatile phrase to convey your requests with respect. Whether you’re asking for directions, ordering food, or seeking assistance, adding “Khawp jai” to your sentences is a small gesture that can make a big difference in your interactions.

Excuse me – Khawp jai lai lai (ຂໍ້ໃຈຫຼາຍຫຼາຍ): When you need to get someone’s attention or apologize, “Khawp jai lai lai” is your go-to phrase. The repetition of “lai lai” emphasizes your politeness and sincerity, making it a courteous way to interact with locals.

Basic Phrases

Yes – Dii (ດິ): If you want to respond positively to a question or statement, simply say “Dii.” This word will help you convey agreement or affirmation in a straightforward manner.

No – Baw (ບໍ): When you need to express a negative response, “Baw” is the word to use. It’s a polite way to say “no” and can be especially useful when declining offers or suggestions.

I don’t understand – Khony hak baw khao jai (ຄວາມຫາກບໍ່ໃຫ້ເຂົ້າໃຈ): When you find yourself in a situation where you’re struggling to comprehend something, this phrase will come to your rescue. It communicates your lack of understanding politely, and locals will likely offer assistance.

How much is this? – An ni baw? (ອິນນີບໍ່?): While shopping or dining, you’ll often need to inquire about prices. “An ni baw” will serve you well, allowing you to understand the cost of goods or services without any language barriers.


  • 1 – Neung (ໜຶງ)
  • 2 – Song (ສອງ)
  • 3 – Saam (ສາມ)
  • 4 – Sii (ສີ)
  • 5 – Haa (ຫາ)
  • 10 – Sip (ສິບ)

Knowing these numbers will facilitate shopping and bargaining, as you can understand and negotiate prices more effectively, making your transactions smoother and more enjoyable.

Food and Drink

  • Water – Nam (ນ້ຳ)
  • Food – Aharn (ອາຫານ)
  • Rice – Khao (ເຂົ້າ)
  • Noodles – Khua (ເຂົ້າ)
  • Delicious – Sap (ສາບ)

Exploring Lao cuisine is a delightful adventure, and being able to order with confidence and compliment the delicious flavors with “Sap” will enhance your culinary experience in Laos.

Getting Around

    • Where is…? – Thaay… daai baw? (ທໍາ…ດິຖ້ວນິ?): If you’re seeking directions, this phrase will help you find your way to the places you want to visit.
    • I want to go to… – Khong hak… (ຂໍ້ໃຈ…): Use this phrase to convey your destination, making it easier for locals to assist you with directions.
  • Left – Sai (ສາຍ)
  • Right – Kwa (ຂວ)

Knowing these directional terms will aid you in navigating the streets of Laos, whether you’re exploring the bustling markets or embarking on a scenic river journey.

By mastering these essential Lao language basics for tourists, you’ll not only make your travel more convenient but also gain a deeper appreciation for the rich culture and warm hospitality of the Laotian people. So, go ahead and use these phrases to connect with locals and enhance your journey through the Land of a Million Elephants.

Parting Words

Now that you’ve got some basic Lao language phrases under your belt, it’s time to explore this incredible country. The people of Laos will surely appreciate your efforts to speak their language, and it will make your journey all the more enriching. So go ahead, embrace the Lao culture, and have a fantastic time discovering the hidden treasures of this beautiful land. Sabaidee (hello) and safe travels!


Now equipped with these fundamental Lao language basics for tourists, you’re ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Laos. By embracing the local culture and making the effort to communicate in their language, you’ll open doors to unique experiences and create lasting memories.

Laos has so much to offer, from the bustling markets of Luang Prabang to the serene beauty of the Mekong River. As you explore this remarkable country, don’t forget to savor the delicious local cuisine, haggle with friendly vendors using your newfound language skills, and take in the natural wonders that define Laos.

Sabaidee (hello) and safe travels! Your adventure in Laos is sure to be an enriching and transformative experience, filled with cultural insights and breathtaking landscapes.

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