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Green Sun Travel

Caving in Son Doong Cave: A Journey into the World’s Largest Cave

Nestled deep within the rugged terrain of Vietnam’s Quang Binh province lies a natural wonder that beckons adventurers from across the globe – Son Doong Cave. This colossal underground world, the largest cave system on the planet, offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience for those daring enough to embark on the journey. Join  Green Sun Travel as we delve into caving in Son Doong Cave, a place where time stands still and the earth reveals its hidden mysteries.

Caving in Son Doong Cave Journey 

Day 1: The Journey Begins

Our adventure of caving in Son Doong Cave commenced in the vibrant city of Dong Hoi, the gateway to Son Doong Cave. After a scenic drive through the lush countryside, we arrived in Phong Nha, a charming town surrounded by towering limestone karsts. Here, we met our tour group and received a thorough briefing on safety measures and cave etiquette.

Day 2: The Trek to Caving in Son Doong Cave 

The following morning, we set out on a trek through the lush jungle of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. Our journey was filled with glimpses of exotic flora and fauna, a prelude to the wonders that awaited us within the cave. As we approached the cave entrance, the lush jungle gave way to a gaping chasm, and we were greeted by the sight of the massive Son Doong Cave opening up before us.

Day 3: Immersed in the Cave’s Beauty

Once inside the cave, we were immediately struck by the sheer magnitude of the space. Our guide led us through towering stalagmites and stalactites, some of which reached heights of over 70 meters. Sunlight streaming in from collapsed sections of the cave roof created an otherworldly atmosphere. We marveled at formations like the “Hand of Dog” and the ethereal beauty of Dolines.

Day 4: The Underground River

One of the most exhilarating parts of our journey was traversing the underground river that runs through Son Doong Cave. Wading through crystal-clear waters, we admired the surreal beauty of colossal cave pearls and ancient fossils embedded in the limestone walls. The cave’s natural orchestra of echoing sounds added to the mystique.

Day 5: Camping in the Heart of the Cave

As the sun dipped below the horizon, we set up camp in a cavernous chamber deep within the cave. Our campsite was strategically chosen to minimize our impact on the fragile ecosystem. We dined under the soft glow of our headlamps, sharing stories with our fellow adventurers and feeling a deep connection to the cave’s history.

Day 6: Hidden Worlds and Jungle Within the Cave

We spent the next day exploring hidden passages and chambers within Son Doong. Dense jungles, illuminated by shafts of sunlight, emerged in unexpected corners of the cave. The underground jungle was teeming with life, from swifts soaring overhead to curious cave crickets skittering across the ground.

Day 7: Return to the Surface

As our time caving in Son Doong Cave comes to an end, we retraced our steps back to the cave entrance, bidding farewell to this subterranean wonderland. Our journey had been an incredible feat of endurance and wonder, and we emerged from the cave with a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to witness such natural grandeur.

Caving in Son Doong Cave with precautions 

Permits and Tours

Caving in Son Doong Cave is strictly controlled to protect its fragile ecosystem. Obtaining a permit through a licensed tour operator is not just a requirement but also a way to ensure responsible exploration of this remarkable cave. Several tour companies offer multi-day expeditions into the cave, providing a comprehensive experience:

  • Guide: Your guide is your lifeline in Son Doong. They are well-trained, experienced, and knowledgeable about the cave’s terrain, safety protocols, and history. Follow their instructions closely to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.
  • Porters: Porters are an essential part of the expedition. They carry heavy equipment and supplies, leaving you to focus on the exploration. Their hard work ensures the minimal impact of human activity on the cave.
  • Equipment: Tour operators typically provide all necessary equipment, including helmets, harnesses, ropes, and camping gear. This not only lightens your load but also ensures you have the right gear for caving safely.

Safety Precautions

Son Doong Cave is an extreme environment, and safety is paramount:

  • Physical Condition: Ensure you’re in good physical condition before embarking on the trek. The cave’s challenging terrain and long hours of walking demand stamina and endurance.
  • Guide’s Instructions: Trust your guide’s expertise. The cave is full of hidden dangers, and your guide will know the safest routes. Never wander off designated paths or explore on your own.
  • Safety Gear: Wear a helmet to protect your head from potential falling debris. Gloves will safeguard your hands, and appropriate footwear is essential for navigating the cave’s uneven surfaces.

What to Pack

Preparing the right gear is crucial for an enjoyable and safe experience:

  • Clothing: Choose lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for the hot and humid cave environment. Layering is key to adapting to temperature fluctuations.
  • Lighting: A reliable headlamp with spare batteries is essential for navigating the dark passages and chambers of the cave.
  • Gear Protection: Use water-resistant bags to keep your gear dry in the cave’s damp environment.
  • Footwear: Invest in sturdy, waterproof trekking boots with good grip for the varied terrain.
  • Protection: Insect repellent and sunscreen will protect you from bites and sun exposure.
  • First-Aid Kit: Carry a basic first-aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any personal medications you may need.
  • Personal Items: Don’t forget necessary personal items such as toiletries, medications, and a camera to capture the cave’s beauty (but always respect preservation guidelines).

Exploring Son Doong Cave

Son Doong Cave is a realm of natural wonders:

  • Surreal Beauty: Colossal stalagmites and stalactites will leave you in awe as you traverse the cave’s depths.
  • Highlights: Don’t miss iconic formations like the “Hand of Dog,” the majestic Dolines, and the awe-inspiring Great Wall of Vietnam.
  • Trekking: Prepare for an adventure as you trek through river passages, vast chambers, and lush jungles within the cave, each offering its own unique experience.
  • Views: Be prepared to be enchanted by underground waterfalls and rare limestone formations, providing unparalleled photo opportunities.

Wildlife and Flora

Son Doong Cave is a thriving ecosystem:

  • Unique Species: Encounter cave-adapted animals like swifts, cave crickets, and even larger creatures such as bats and snakes.
  • Underground Jungle: Explore the cave’s hidden jungle, adorned with lush vegetation and extraordinary sights.

Camping Inside the Cave

Camping inside Son Doong Cave is an unforgettable experience:

  • Responsible Camping: Multi-day tours include carefully selected campsites to minimize environmental impact.
  • Comfort: Tour operators provide sleeping gear and meals, ensuring your comfort during your stay inside the cave.
  • Surreal Experience: Sleeping deep within the cave offers a surreal and otherworldly connection to this natural wonder.

Photography Tips

Capture the beauty while preserving the environment:

  • Equipment: Use a tripod for long-exposure shots in low-light conditions, but be cautious not to disturb the cave’s delicate environment.
  • Respect Rules: Follow the guidelines set by your tour guide regarding photography and exploration to protect this natural treasure.

Responsible Caving

Leave a positive impact on Son Doong Cave:

  • Follow Rules: Respect all rules and regulations set by the park authorities and your tour guide.
  • Leave No Trace: Avoid littering, and make sure to carry out all waste.
  • Protect Flora and Fauna: Do not disturb or collect any flora or fauna within the cave.
  • Support Conservation: Contribute to conservation efforts to ensure that future generations can also marvel at the beauty of Son Doong Cave.


Caving in Son Doong Cave was a life-changing experience, an adventure that connected us to the Earth’s hidden wonders. It’s a testament to the beauty and resilience of our planet’s geological marvels. As travelers, it is our responsibility to tread lightly, respect nature, and preserve these extraordinary places for generations to come. Son Doong Cave is not just a cave; it’s a timeless masterpiece waiting to be discovered by the curious and the brave.

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