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Green Sun Travel

A Journey Through Time: Yangon Circular Train Ride

Welcome to Yangon, Myanmar, a city that beautifully blends tradition and modernity. One of the best ways to experience the heart of Yangon and its surrounding areas is by taking a Yangon Circular Train Ride. This train journey offers a unique glimpse into the daily lives of the locals and takes you through stunning landscapes and charming neighborhoods. Join Green Sun Travel on this unforgettable adventure as we explore Yangon through the windows of a moving train.

Starting Point of the Yangon Circular Train Ride: Yangon Central Railway Station

Your Yangon Circular Train Ride adventure begins at Yangon Central Railway Station, a colonial-era architectural gem in itself. This bustling hub serves as the departure and arrival point for the circular train. As you step inside, you’ll be greeted by the distinct sounds and smells of a busy railway station. The excitement of the journey ahead fills the air.

Ticket Purchase and Boarding

Head to the ticket counter to purchase your train ticket. Be prepared for the charmingly chaotic process; Myanmar is still developing its railway infrastructure, and you might encounter a bit of a language barrier. Nonetheless, the staff is generally helpful, and you’ll soon have your ticket in hand.

With ticket in tow, proceed to the platform and find your way to the train. The carriages may vary in condition, but choose one with an open window to enjoy unobstructed views and feel the breeze as you ride through Yangon’s diverse landscapes.

Exploring Yangon’s Neighborhoods

As the train departs from Yangon Central Station, you’ll immediately plunge into the heart of the city’s neighborhoods. Gaze out the window to witness the daily hustle and bustle of Yangon’s residents. Vendors, street food stalls, and colorful markets pass by as you gradually leave the city center behind.

Observing Local Life

Throughout your Yangon Circular Train Ride, you’ll be surrounded by locals – from monks in saffron robes to families carrying goods for market. The train is an authentic microcosm of Burmese society, offering a glimpse into their customs, clothing, and conversations. Feel free to strike up a conversation with your fellow passengers; their warmth and friendliness will make you feel right at home.

Countryside Vistas

As the train meanders further from the city, the scenery shifts dramatically. Fields of rice and vegetables stretch out in every direction, and you’ll see farmers tending to their crops. The landscape becomes increasingly rural, and it’s easy to lose yourself in the tranquil beauty of the countryside.

Photographic Opportunities

Photographers will find the Yangon Circular Train ride a treasure trove of captivating images. From the juxtaposition of traditional villages against a backdrop of modern cityscapes to candid portraits of passengers, there’s no shortage of unique photo opportunities.

Cultural Insights

Keep an eye out for small villages and towns that the train passes through. Each stop is an opportunity to observe local customs and traditions. You might witness women wearing traditional thanaka face paint, children playing by the tracks, or monks collecting alms.

Reflection and Contemplation

As you travel along the circular route, you’ll have time for introspection. The gentle rocking of the train, the soothing clickety-clack of the tracks, and the serene landscapes passing by create a peaceful ambiance. It’s a perfect moment to reflect on your journey and appreciate the simplicity of life along the railway.

Returning to Yangon Central Station

As your journey nears its end, you’ll gradually re-enter the city. Take this time to savor your last moments on the train, bid farewell to your fellow travelers, and mentally bookmark your favorite memories from the trip.

Scenic Highlights of the Yangon Circular Train Ride

  1. Yangon Cityscape:
  • As you depart from Yangon Central Station, you’ll immediately be immersed in the bustling urban environment of Myanmar’s largest city. The cityscape is a captivating blend of old and new, with colonial-era buildings standing alongside modern skyscrapers. Gazing out of the train window, you’ll catch glimpses of local life as commuters rush to work, street vendors prepare their stalls, and children head to school. The vibrant energy of Yangon’s neighborhoods provides a dynamic start to your journey.
  1. Suburban Scenes:
  • As the train moves into the suburbs of Yangon, a different world unfolds before your eyes. Traditional Burmese houses with intricate wooden carvings come into view, contrasting with the urban landscape you left behind. Small markets line the tracks, where vendors sell fresh produce, street food, and handmade crafts. Rice fields stretch out as far as the eye can see, with farmers working diligently in the fields. This segment of the journey offers a glimpse into the daily lives and traditions of the Burmese people, showcasing their agricultural heritage.
  1. Shwedagon Pagoda View:
  • One of the most iconic moments of the journey is when you catch a distant view of the Shwedagon Pagoda. This stunning golden stupa, which stands at over 100 meters tall, is the most sacred Buddhist site in Myanmar and a symbol of Yangon. The view from the train is awe-inspiring, as the glistening golden spire rises above the surrounding buildings. It’s a magical sight that provides a deep sense of the cultural and spiritual significance of this remarkable city.
  1. Rural Landscapes:
  • As you venture further from Yangon, the landscape transforms into a picturesque rural setting. Lush green fields stretch to the horizon, dotted with small villages and wooden houses. Local farmers, often wearing traditional longyi, tend to their crops, offering friendly waves to passing travelers. The simplicity and natural beauty of the countryside are a stark contrast to the urban hustle and bustle, allowing you to appreciate the tranquil side of Myanmar.
  1. Thanlyin Bridge:
  • The crossing of the Thanlyin Bridge is a highlight of the journey. This bridge spans the Yangon River, and as the train traverses it, you’re treated to breathtaking views of the river’s wide expanse and the nearby islands. The glistening waters and the distant shores create a serene and picturesque moment during the ride. It’s an excellent opportunity for some stunning photographs.
  1. Kyaik Khauk Pagoda:
  • Towards the latter part of the journey, the train passes by the Kyaik Khauk Pagoda. This serene temple is set amidst a picturesque countryside backdrop, offering a tranquil and spiritual atmosphere. The pagoda’s golden spires and the surrounding greenery make it a serene sight that encapsulates the essence of Myanmar’s spirituality and natural beauty.


The Yangon Circular Train Ride is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a unique cultural experience that allows you to see Yangon from a different perspective. As you disembark at Yangon Central Station, you’ll carry with you the memories of the beautiful landscapes, the friendly faces you’ve met, and a deeper understanding of life in Myanmar.

So, if you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure that combines culture, scenic beauty, and local encounters, hop on board the Yangon Circular Train and embark on a journey through time and tradition. It’s a travel experience that you’ll cherish forever.

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